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What documents are required to open a Corporate account?

You can open a trading account under your company name via our usual registration process. Please enter the personal details of the person who will be the authorised representative and send an email to with the official company documentation (depending on the availability as per country of the incorporation), such as:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Certificate of Good Standing or a recent excerpt from the company registry if the company is older than one year
  • Certificate of Registered Office (if available)
  • Certificate of Directors and Secretary
  • Certificate of Registered Shareholders
  • Company’s Bank Statement
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company (if available)
  • A Lei code – A client who is a legal entity or structure needs to obtain a LEI code. For information please see: or
  • A resolution by the Board of Directors of the Company for the opening of a trading account with BDSwiss and to whom they grant authority to operate the trading account
  • Declaration of UBO (sample can be provided as per request)
  • Full KYC documentation for all Directors and Shareholders of 25% or more held in the Company. Specifically:
    • Proof of Identification: a certified true copy of the person(s) passport (with photograph and signature specimen included) who will operate the trading account. The document is required to be valid and clearly readable.
    • Proof of Residence: a recent copy of a water bill or gas bill or electricity bill or a bank statement issued in that person(s) name, evidencing his/her permanent address and not older than three (3) months.

Please note that the above list is indicative and that the number and nature of the documents required depend on the country of incorporation.

Once we receive all necessary documents, our Back Office Team will review them and assist you with the completion of the registration.

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Risk Warning: Trading in Forex/CFDs and Other Derivatives is highly speculative and carries a high level of risk. General Risk Disclosure